The common name is derived from its natural ability to move across land using its stiff pectoral spines, provided it stays damp. It has special mucous-producing pores on its body to help in this, and it can seal its gills to prevent loss of moisture. The gills themselves are stiffened in order to prevent them collapsing outside the water. It can also survive in oxygen-depleted conditions due to its ability to breathe atmospheric air. In fact, it is thought that the fish can literally drown if deprived access to the water surface for long enough.
It’s an important food fish in its native lands, but Walking catfish now also considered a pest species, its hardy and robust nature means it can outcompete many naturally-occuring species and predate on others.

and my friend, Indra, featured FINS on grafismasakini: check it out here:
Thank you so much pal!

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