The common name is derived from its natural ability to move across land using its stiff pectoral spines, provided it stays damp. It has special mucous-producing pores on its body to help in this, and it can seal its gills to prevent loss of moisture. The gills themselves are stiffened in order to prevent them collapsing outside the water. It can also survive in oxygen-depleted conditions due to its ability to breathe atmospheric air. In fact, it is thought that the fish can literally drown if deprived access to the water surface for long enough.
It’s an important food fish in its native lands, but Walking catfish now also considered a pest species, its hardy and robust nature means it can outcompete many naturally-occuring species and predate on others.

and my friend, Indra, featured FINS on grafismasakini: check it out here:
Thank you so much pal!
The kissing habit of this gourami is not a sign of affection between male and female, but a trial strength between two males, and forms part of courtship ritual as they try to impress a suitable female. These gouramis are very useful in the aquarium because they will pick away at algae, taking it off plant leaves without damaging them. There are two colour form of this species, the green is considered the wild form and pink, the aquarium form.
Special for CNY 2014, the Horse year!

Unique true loach from family Cobitidae. This species is easy to keep but must be provided with a soft, sandy substrate since some of its time will be spent completely buried, or with only eyes protruding. Acantopsis spp. typically sift mouthfuls of substrate through the gills from which insect larvae, small crustaceans and suchlike are extracted.
Horse Face Loach rarely seen in Fish Shop and sometimes come in high price.
Several Brachyrhamdia species have developed colour patterns that mimic Corydoras spp.
They’re easily told apart from Corydoras by their significantly longer barbels and lack of scute-like plates on the body. No one knows exactly if this adaptation evolved as a means of protection from predators or to provide a competitive feeding advantage whereby items unearthed by the Corydoras school, and possibly their eggs, are consumed. This species is rarely-seen in the aquarium trade and only tends to be encountered as a contaminant among shipments of other species.

Small armoured catfish from South America. They are peaceful and ideal inmates for the community tank, where they will swim in small groups in search of food. Adolfoi named for legendary fish collector Adolfo Schwartz, who first made this species available to aquarists. 

This Adolfoi Dedicated to my friend, fish lover and great artist based in South Korea.

her tumblr:
see her great artworks here:

Happy Birthday Danbee! :D